Use GPS Tracking Systems to Optimize Fleet Efficiency

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Operating a lean, efficient fleet requires more than having well-trained drivers and well-tuned vehicles. To fully optimize fleet performance, you need to make smart decisions about how to utilize your people and your vehicles. And that starts with having a dependable GPS vehicle tracking system that provides reliable data to inform those decisions.

Wireless fleet management systems allow you to remotely track and monitor vehicles and assets on a 24/7 basis. They offer a wide range of features and functions that can help control operational costs and improve productivity. And they provide robust data management capabilities that help you:

  • Work in a well-organized and efficient manner
  • Minimize wasted effort and expense
  • Maximize vehicle and resource utilization

Research from Frost & Sullivan LCV Telematics Market – November 2013, shows that companies that implement a GPS tracking system solution achieve reductions in fuel and labor costs, improve productivity, and enhance vehicle utilization by 15 to 20 percent. Whether you operate a fleet of five or 5,000 vehicles, a GPS tracking system offers a powerful tool for getting the most out of your people and your vehicles.

Reduce Total Mileage Driven

One of the best ways to improve fleet efficiency is simply to drive fewer miles. A wireless fleet management solution can help you achieve this outcome in many ways:

  • Improve driver accountability. When you know how and where drivers utilize their vehicles, you can ensure they start the day on time and eliminate personal side trips.
  • Reduce unauthorized vehicle usage. Odd-hours movement alerts and reports allow you to monitor vehicle locations off the job to ensure that drivers don’t misuse company vehicles on their personal time.
  • Optimize vehicle staging and placement.Landmarks and geofences (user-defined boundaries) identify where your vehicles are and where they’ve been. With this data you can send the closest vehicle (or the one nearer to the end of its workday) to the next job to reduce total mileage.
  • Route vehicles more efficiently. Detailed fleet maps provide the data dispatchers need to make real-time routing decisions that reduce fuel usage, speed up response times, and improve customer service.

A GPS tracking system solution also gives you robust reporting capabilities that provide easy-to-digest fleet tracking information – including miles traveled, number of trips, and more – to help reduce total miles driven. These customizable reports can be scheduled for automatic delivery to your email inbox so that you receive the data you need when you need it.

Driving fewer miles helps lower fuel usage and greenhouse emissions. It also decreases time behind the wheel, speeds up customer response times, and prevents costly overtime. As a result, workers can perform more jobs each day, boosting productivity and increasing revenues. The result is faster, more efficient service calls or deliveries that lead to lower operational expenses and greater customer satisfaction.

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