Geotab Routes and Route Plans

This document will show you how to create routes and route plans within MyGeotab

by GPS Tracking Canada


Geotab Routes and Route Plans
Routes – A group of chosen zones looped together to define a route. (Zones must be entered prior to creating routes)
Route Plans – Taking those routes and adding a vehicle and timeframe to it, allowing for an Actual vs. Plan reporting capability.

Creating a Plan
Creating a plan will take a route and add a vehicle and timeframe to it and allow users to do Actual vs. Planned reporting. When you choose a route that has been entered please click on Create a Plan at the top and that will direct you to assign it to a vehicle and add the timeframe. Simply choose the vehicle that will be driving the route in the Vehicle section and choose the date. Then adjust the time at zone. The first time box is arrival time at the zone. The second box is the distance driven from previous stop. The third box is the time it takes to drive that distance from the previous address. And the final box is the time at customer which is usually adjusted by the user.

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