BeWhere – Integrated and Realtime Inventory Management Solution
BeWhere is a Canadian based solution.–
How Does It Work?
- The online website BeWhere application provides a map showing the location of the receiving device along with the location of the beacons (at the time of the reading) and the beacon data including: proximity, battery level, latitude and longitude
(also provides data such as: number of impacts, temperature, light exposure and speed) - The devices (BeWhere beacons) transmit their own mapped position information as well as other beacon data, via through Low Energy Bluetooth® (BLE) connection to a receiving device.
- The receiving device uses Wi-Fi or cellular mobile data connection gateway to transmit the information to a web based application.
The receiving device can be :
- GPS enabled smartphones or tablets (no charge for app), or
- BLE/Wi-Fi Gateways, or
- BLE/GPS tracking device in a vehicle

Bluetooth Gateway
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Bluetooth Beacon
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Here are the links to BeWhere mobile smartphone / mobile App, Android Google Play Store, Apple App Store