Introducing GPS Tracking To Your Employees

 In GPS Tracking Overview, Tips and Tricks

Introducing GPS Tracking to your employees as soon as possible can be instrumental in the success of your implementation of the system. We have found that introducing GPS Tracking to your employees and showing them the benefits of the system for a better relationships between employer and employee.  


As a result of working with companies on implementing fleet management systems, we have come up with a guide to help you get started in introducing GPS Tracking to your employees:


1. Host An Open Discussion With Your Employees:

First and foremost, the number-one success factor to GPS Tracking is to have it part of your business routine. To achieve this, you need to get your employees involved in using the GPS Tracking system. We suggest you hold an open discussion with your employees. This way you can inform the benefits of your GPS Tracking system, as well as start the implementation of the system in your business routing. 

2. Be Honest With Your Employees

We suggest that you be forthright with your employees from the beginning. This will create a trusting environment for your company. Being open with your employees about GPS Tracking will:

  • Allow you to show them why GPS Tracking is important 
  • Give you a chance to have an open discussion and answer questions
  • Allow you to brainstorm ways to make the system work in everyone’s interest.

3. Show Your Employees The Benefits of GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking has many benefits for both the employee and the employer. The GPS Tracking system is there to help make the company more efficient and help the employees do a better job. 

Here are some of the many ways the system will benefit the employees:

  • Higher customer retention: The tracking system will allow you to provide irrefutable proof of service to your customers and give the employees the peace of mind of knowing that as long as you have done the job, the records will be in the system.
  • Service time tracking: Employees will be able to verify their mileage and times directly through the system, avoid the unnecessary questions and accusations about their work. 
  • Vehicle “take-home” policies: Companies can provide their employee’s vehicles to take home and maintain complete monitoring of the system. This can allow the employee to be more effective by having their tools on hand and allow your employee to have one less vehicle to use. 
  • Incentives for good driving: Companies can create a program to incentive good driving. This will improve fleet safety and allow the employees to benefit from GPS Tracking. 

GPS Tracking may sound like a scary concept to employees. This is because the technology is misunderstood and thought of as a way to constantly watch the employees. However, by being open with your employees and making it part of your routine, you can show them the benefits of a tracking system.



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