Tutorial: How to setup Maintenance reminders (5:15)
Fleet’s can easily prioritize the maintenance for vehicles by using proactive customizable maintenance reminders. Fleets can save on costly repairs by keeping their vehicles up to date based on these scheduled reminders. Remembering when to perform oil changes, tire rotations, and other automotive servicing can be created with recurring reminders that will send a notification when a vehicle is due for service.
Start by navigating to Engine and Maintenance > Reminders > then Reminder Rules.
This screen displays any maintenance rules currently in place.
To create a new rule click the Add button and enter a description for the rule.
Next select a reminder rule type from the drop-down list, “add new type” can also be selected to create a customized reminder rule type.
Reminder Rules can be created off of time, usage, or a combination of the two.
Under Time select ‘No’, ‘Reoccurs every’ if it will be recurring, or ‘Once off’ if the reminder is for a one-time event.
Under usage select No, Mileage, or Engine Hours.
Next click on the vehicles tab select the vehicles this rule should apply to.
Click the drop down arrow to view a list and select vehicles or select all.
This will display the date and the current odometer and engine hours for each vehicle. When saved it will start counting time and usage from that moment, so if the last maintenance is known change any of the fields here to backdate.
When complete click the save button.
To view upcoming maintenance go to Reminders > Reminders Due.
Under options users can view upcoming maintenance for all Rules and all vehicles or select individuals from the Drop-down.
Select a time period: Upcoming, Overdue or Advanced which allows you to set thresholds for mileage and engine hours.
After making your selections click apply changes.
We now have a list of vehicles and reminder rules and over on the right it displays if the maintenance is overdue or upcoming.
From the list you can click on an event to view the maintenance history.
To log a new maintenance event click the plus sign on the right.
This displays the current date odometer and engine hours.
Make any changes to these fields to reflect the values at the time of maintenance and enter in any comments at the bottom.
Click save when complete.
To view past maintenance events go to reminders then maintenance history.
Under Options select the Date range, the Rules to view data for and the vehicles then click apply changes.
To view any details click on the event.
Edits can be made to the maintenance event from this screen if needed.
This list of events can be downloaded by clicking the view button and selecting either report or advanced and then selecting the Excel or PDF icons.
Maintenance reminders can also be set up as an e-mailed report.
To do this go to administration, Reports, Report Views.
Select either the Advanced or default reminders report and configure either of these reports as an e-mailed report.
There is also a report on the marketplace called the Dynamic Vehicle Maintenance Reminder Report, that can be downloaded and set up to only send an email when there are reminders
due for a specified time period.
You have now successfully created maintenance reminders!
(the above is taken from the video transcript)
Please contact us if you have any questions!