Thieves Target Tractor Trailer At Rest Stop

 In GPS Tracking Benefits

Thieves Target Tractor Trailer At Rest Stop

After many hours on the road, the long-haul driver pulled his tractor-trailer into a Tennessee truck stop for a break and a hot meal. But by the time he looked over the menu, a crew of professional thieves had made off with his rig and all its contents.

Cargo theft is a multi-billion-dollar criminal enterprise in the U.S., and the FBI has seven task forces located around the country to combat the problem. The theft crews are so organized that each member has his own specialty, from the break-in artist who can steal a rig in seconds to professional drivers, surveillance experts, and the guys who know how to defeat the specialized devices that lock trailers carrying extremely valuable loads.

GPS Tracking Canada’s GO GPS tracking devices will be able to track your vehicle, updating information in real time. This can information could be given to local law enforcement and may aid in the recovery of your vehicle or your cargo.

You would also benefit from the following benefits:

  • Drivers –  Your drivers can supplement their work orders and verify their time spent at appointments and job sites.  This offers them a reliable way to track their progress and protects them (and you!) against customer complaints.  A GPS tracking solution will provide all the details necessary to show time of arrival, time spent at a site, and more!
  • Dispatch – A GPS tracking solution will make it possible for dispatchers to send drivers to an increased number of jobs without the cost of hiring more drivers or purchasing more vehicles. Routing becomes easier and clearer resulting in increased accuracy, lower fuel consumption, less wear and tear on your vehicles, explicit data on maintenance, and so much more.  The advantages to your dispatchers are valuable and immediate.
  • Increased Productivity: By easily identifying vehicles not being operated efficiently, productivity can be increased which in turn can be used to increase sales and improve customer service. This information can also be an important training tool to help employees with their efficiency.
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