Geotab Case Studies
Discover how fleet management technology can improve your business
Case studies are analyses of persons, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods. The case that is the subject of the inquiry will be an instance of a class of phenomena that provides an analytical frame — an object — within which the study is conducted and which the case illuminates and explicates.” According to J. Creswell, data collection in a case study occurs over a “sustained period of time.
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Red Hawk Fire & Security
The company recognized the potential of improving driver behavior in an attempt to:
- curtail accident rates
- improve driver productivity and safety
- improve driver safety
- reduce fuel consumption by reducing idling.

1-800-GOT-JUNK case study
Since installing Geotab’s plug- and-play system in 2011 telematics and GPS were the go-to solution to manage:
- younger, inexperienced drivers
- improved routing
- get trucks to customer locations on time and efficiently — and then onto the next job.
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Paine’s Inc. Recycling & Rubbish Removal
Geotab offered a quality product and gave Paine’s the
flexibility to find and utilize benefits, including:
- Provide better customer service
- Safety and driver compliance
- cut down on a number off-route trips
- improve route and driver safety
- safety is ultimately what it’s all about
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Second Harvest Food Rescue
In addition to the productivity enhancements achieved, Second Harvest also experienced:
- operating cost savings
- enhanced vehicle safety
- locate the truck in the closest proximity, reducing driver and dispatch time as well as fuel costs.
- Monitoring driver idling time
- analyze and adjust factors that contribute to unsafe driving practices.
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GPS Tracking OverviewGPS Tracking Overview
Definition- A GPS tracking unit is a device that uses the Global Positioning System to determine the precise location of a vehicle, person, or other asset to which it is attached and to record the position of the asset at regular intervals. The recorded location data can be stored within the tracking unit, or it may be transmitted to a central location data base, or internet-connected computer, using a cellular, radio or satellite modem embedded in the unit according to wiki.
So these GPS Tracking devices can specify your position wherever you are Land,air or sea.these devices make use of different kind of trackers and based on the type the working effects . basically the data trackers are of three types:Half Column[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end][/ezcol_1half_end]
The Real Benefits of GPS Tracking
- Data loggers
- Data pushers
- Data pullers
Data Loggers:
A GPS logger simply logs the position of the device at regular intervals in its internal memory. GPS loggers have either a memory card slot, or internal flash memory and a USB port. Some act as a USB flash drive. This allows downloading of the track log data for further analyzing in a computer.
Data pusher:
A GPS receiver and a mobile phone sit side-by-side in the same box, powered by the same battery. At regular intervals, the phone sends a text message via SMS, containing the data from the GPS receiver.
Data pullers:
Contrary to a data pusher, that sends the position of the device at regular intervals push technology, these devices are always-on and can be queried as often as required. Data Pullers are coming into more common usage in the form of devices containing a GPS receiver and a cell phone which, when sent a special SMS message reply to the message with their location.
GPS Tracking is now used by various areas such as business and police department very frequently such as stolen vehicle searching, fleet control, law enforcement and etc.
Do you own a fleet business? If you answered that question in the affirmative, then just take a moment to imagine how it would feel if the following improvements were made to your business:
The Real Benefits of GPS Tracking
- The excess overtime is eliminated
- The fuel costs gets reduced substantially
- Your employee productivity is increased
The fact is, the above mentioned points are just few of the several benefits that one gets as a direct result of availing fleet management system. With the rapid advancement of technology in this field, GPS tracking system have undergone a sea change over the past few years. Today, one can stay updated with even the minute details regarding the vehicles, be it the instant speed alerts, real time locater, stop reports, and much more.
An ideal Fleet tracker utilizes satellite technology and provides real-time locations information. Some also records historical vehicle activity, providing you with minute details regarding the whereabouts of your vehicle. On the other hand, the tracking unit itself is installed in such manner which does not leave any wires exposed. On activation, this small unit records and transmits data to the servers via wireless networks on short durations, and on a continual basis. The end results of all this is a happy owner who gets direct access to the information round the clock.
To be honest, the overall degree of control which a fleet management system provides to the owner cannot be measured in monetary terms. Here is an outline of what you can expect by installing a state-of-the-art tracker in your fleet.
Peace of Mind:
Since your vehicles are monitored 24/7, you can relax and let go of any related worries.
Track Response Time:
The arrival time can be calculated since the real time location data is always at hand.
Increase Productivity:
With a detailed report at your disposal, you can always eliminate discrepancies, if any.
Reduced Fuel Costs:
Since the Vehicle activity report will always be available, this means one can reduce the fuel cost by rejecting unapproved bills.
Only On-Duty Usage:
Stay in total control of your vehicles, as making sure they are not being used outside of the working hours just got easy.
The above mentioned are just few of the benefits that a user will find himself at the receiving end of. A Fleet tracking system is the best new year present you can give to your business. Let the cutting-edge technology drive more success, profit and savings to your fleet system.
Benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking
If you are a contractor, roofer, electrician, HVAC, etc. owner, then you know how important it is to keep track of your crew and your trucks. GPS Fleet Tracking solution delivers efficiency in almost every aspect of your organization from administration to streamlining routing.

GPS Fleet / Vehicle tracking can automate your vehicular administration by scheduling service, recording working hours for your crew and how much travel they did (record miles traveled). You will get real-time response and information so you can make decisions on the fly based on verified information and not only your gut. Accurate vehicle monitoring empowers your drivers and makes them completely accountable.
A side benefit is better maintenance costs due to less wear and tear on your vehicles. Tracking vehicles means your drivers are staying within posted speed limits thus reducing engine and tire wear. Vehicles are automatically slotted for regular service which means they are being looked after better and as a result stay in tip top condition. Vehicles also experience less off-hours usage, saving on fuel and maintenance.
As a manager you are in better control of your fleet, unauthorized usage is virtually terminated as those activities are instantly identified and stopped. Should one of your vehicles be stolen, it is immediately tracked and found. Alerts can be set up to let you if any vehicle moves outside of it geographical area.
Ranking right up there as a major benefit is optimizing route planning by avoiding heavy traffic areas, real-time examination of routes so pickups and deliveries are made in proper sequence. And just knowing where your drivers are so you can alert customers of arrival times.
Many insurance companies offer a discount for companies with Fleet GPS Tracking, because monitored vehicles and drivers take better care and bad driving habits are reduced thus cutting back on accidents. Of course as stated earlier, theft control both for the vehicle and loads is highly reduced, again reducing insurance costs.
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